public static bool IsSqlReferenceConstraintException(this Exception except) { var baseEx = except.GetBaseException(); if (baseEx is SqlException) { string message = (baseEx as SqlException).Message; if (message.ToLower().Contains("reference constraint") || message.ToLower().Contains("foreign key")) { return true; } else { return false; } } else if (baseEx != null && !object.ReferenceEquals(except, baseEx))//如果基类不为空且不等于异常本身,则继续回调查找 { return IsSqlReferenceConstraintException(baseEx); } return false; }
The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_dbo.Category_dbo.User_LastEditorID". The conflict occurred in database "mTEM", table "dbo.Category", column 'LastEditorID'.
The statement has been terminated.而采用扩展方法则会显示出我们预定义的错误信息,调用如下:
public void Remove(int userID) { User user=this.repository.Get(t=>t.ID==userID); if (user != null) { try { this.repository.Remove(user, true); } catch (Exception ex) { if (ex.IsSqlReferenceConstraintException()) //判断为引用约束错误,则直接抛出我们自定义的错误 { throw new Exception("该账号已有与之相关联的其它业务记录,禁止删除!若确认该账号停止使用,可将其设置为禁用即可。"); } } } else { throw new Exception("该账号信息不存在或已被删除!"); } }